Battery Storage Services

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Battery Storage Installation

At NE Electrical, based in Nottingham, we're dedicated to providing high-quality battery storage installations tailored to your requirements. Whether you've already researched your preferred system or need guidance, we're here to ensure your satisfaction with the equipment we offer. Battery storage maximises surplus solar energy, preventing waste by storing it for high-consumption periods and saving on peak electricity costs. Plus, it keeps your home running during power cuts. Contact us below to discuss your options for a reliable battery storage backup system.


Benefits of Battery Storage:


1.Energy Storage: Utilise surplus solar power by storing it for later use, ensuring electricity availability during night time hours.


2.Cost Savings: By using stored electricity from your solar panels, reduce reliance on the national grid and energy providers, leading to significant savings on energy costs.


3. Enhanced Independence: Achieve greater energy independence by reducing dependence on the national grid and traditional energy sources.


4. Reduced Carbon Footprint: By increasing reliance on renewable energy sources like solar power, decrease reliance on fossil fuels, contributing to a greener environment and reduced carbon footprint.


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We Offer After Instalment

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0% VAT

When you install Solar Panels and Battery Storage Installations in your home or business.


 Thanks to an announcement made by the government you can also benefit from 0% VAT.  This VAT cut will be available from 1st April 2022 until 2027.


Terms and Conditions Apply


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MCS Ceritfied - NE Electrical Nottingham
NE Electrical Contractor serving Nottingham and surrounding areas.
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